Ring Size


Ring size is a measurement used to describe the circumference (or sometimes, the diameter) of jewellery rings as well as rings that are smart.


 Instruments for measuring


 A stick analogic to sizing

 Physical measurement of ring sizes can be measured using a paper, metal or plastic ringsizing device (as an indicator) or using a ring's internal diameter.


 Ring sticks are instruments to determine the dimensions of rings. They are made from plastic, wood, aluminum, or any of the other materials. To make exact measurements, digital ringsticks can be employed.


 Systeme de mesure

 International standard

 ISO 8653 - 2016 defines the standard sizes for ring rings. It measures the diameter of the ring in millimetres. The ISO sizes can be used in Austria (France, Germany, Belgium and Scandinavia (Norway. Sweden. Denmark. Finland. Iceland.)



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